Places to go

Krkonoše Tree Top Trail

The Tree Top Walk is located in the heart of the majestic forests of the Krkonoše National Park.

We will show you what makes the Krkonoše nature unique. Together with us, you will get to know the local forests from the roots to the tree tops. You will become a part of forest life and meet a number of animals and plants that you will not find anywhere else.

Giant Mountains Museum

Museum of Giant Mountains National Park Administration in Vrchlabí. This is an Augustinian monastery with exposure Stone
and life and the natural environment of the Giant. Exposure of Giant Mountain traditions is also in a set of three houses near Vrchlabi Gothic church on the Square of Peace in Vrchlabí.

On top of Sněžka you do not have to walk

Snezka is especially in the summer months, an interesting destination of your trip.

Ideal starting point trip to Snezka Pec pod Sněžkou (750 m.n.m.), from which you can go either by foot or using the new cableway leading to the top.

A tour of antique statues in the Giant Hostinném

The premises of the Franciscan Monastery from 1678 is exhibited a unique collection of plaster casts of ancient statues coming from r. PRONAME 1912. From Log Cabin to drive to Hostinné in less than 20 minutes.

Unique chimes in Lower Dvur

At St. Joseph’s Church in Lower Dvur you can hear the chimes unique. Comes from the workshop Mrs. Dytrychova
and in 1995 he was even ordained. The glockenspiel plays daily passers-by always at 10 and 17 hours. On Saturday
and additionally on Sundays and at noon. For each season they are prepared in four tunes. In the Christmas period, moreover
You can listen to a special Christmas tune that will certainly entice pleasantly.

A trip to the Elbe spring

Who goes to the Giant Mountains for hiking and admiring the beauty of nature, you should not skip a trip to the source of the largest Czech river Elbe. Source Elbe rises on the Elbe meadow, lying close to the state border with Poland.

To the spring you can go from Horni Misecky famous sports
and especially winter resort. Despite the rise, ascend to Medvědín
Vrbatova to shed further exploring směremk Pančavskému waterfall that is one of the most impressive Giant Mountains waterfalls. It is located about 1 km south of the Elbe shed in Pančavský creek.
U waterfall is called. Ambrožova prospect of a place named after one of the pioneers of the protection of the Giant Mountains, which offers a nice view
on the Elbe Valley, the Elbe pit Goat ridges, Kotel and Lysa hora.

The path along the edge of the Elbe jam is open only in summer and autumn. In winter, it is necessary to use a little bit above the current winter tyčovanou path away from the massive snow overhangs and steep cliffs. After two trips to get to the Elbe shed and then continue up to the Elbe spring.

You can also use the yellow marked Horsehead way to the border with Poland and after a tour of nearly 300 m deep precipices of the Snow pits a nearby rock outcrop Violík Again, you can follow the yellow trail also get to the Elbe spring.


Dvur Kralove Zoo - Africa in your palm

Meet African safari, visit the savanna, prodírejte the rainforest or discover the secret life of the coral reef.
Let yourself be carried away by illusions of Africa at the sight of large herds of animals. On the day, you can even become a zoo keeper.

Dam "Forest Kingdom" on the Elbe

Thanks to its location in a forested valley of the River Elbe and its architectural qualities, the dam Forest Kingdom once
the most beautiful in the Czech Republic and perhaps also because in 1964 it was declared a national technical monument. It is far from Dvur Kralove nad Labem.

Golf Club Mladé Buky

The golf course is located in the picturesque mountain area and provides a unique view of Giant. When bad weather is even an indoor driving range.

Prachovské rocks in the Czech Paradise

The most famous part of the Bohemian Paradise is undoubtedly the Prachov Cliffs, a paradise for climbers. The rock city lies northwest of Jicin. You can choose from two guided tours of various lengths.

There are the remains of a medieval castle Parez and many perspectives. From the forest act giant sandstone formations, among which lead narrow paths and steep steps. They also have the oldest history of climbing in the country. The center of the city consists of romantic rock tall slender towers and pillars between which are deep and tight ravine.